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North Nibley C of E Primary School


Our Governors

 Steven HodgkinsonHead Teacher

 Sue Bradley-JonesAdmissions

Rosie Casken


 Julie Collins





Isaac Bamfield

    Foundation Governor




 Peter Hall


 Jane Luker






 Charlotte ParkerChair of
Teaching and Learning,
Monitors Special Needs, Monitors Equalities

Mark PerryChair of the
Governing Body 

 Karl RustMonitors
Health & Safety

Rossi Howe 







 Russell StrothersVice Chair of the
Governing Body

 Rebecca Allen


Staff Governor








Our Governors are a very special group of people who contribute greatly to the running of our school, by sharing time, advice and expertise in many different ways. School Governors are like a Board of Directors, since they make decisions about how the school is run. They are volunteers and they meet as a full Governing Body twice a term, with additional meetings for committees.

Governors have three key roles:

  • Planning the strategic direction of the school. 
  • Overseeing financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent.
  • Holding the headteacher or school leadership to account.

Governor Minutes

Governor Committees

Governor’s Register of Interests

Governor Newsletters

School Policies

Governor Schedule of Work

I’m thinking about becoming a Governor.

Associate Members (See below)

School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together and not individually. Our Governing Body has 14 governors, comprising:

  • 8 Foundation governors appointed by the Diocese of Gloucester on the recommendation of the Parochial Church Council of St. Martin’s Church
  • 2 elected parent governors
  • 1 representative from the Local Authority
  • 1 co-opted governor
  • 1 staff governor
  • the headteacher

The Parent Governors:

  • have a child at North Nibley School at the time of election
  • are elected by parents of children at the school
  • serve for four years.

Parent governors bring the views of parents to the Governing Body, but they speak and act as individuals. They should not be thought of as delegates of the parents, as they do not vote for all parents in general. They all have equal status in the work of the Governing Body and have equal voting rights. The governors play an active role in the life of the school, participating fully in open days, classroom visits and assistance in many areas. The approved minutes of Full Governing Board meetings are published above.

Associate members of the governing body

Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committees. They may also attend full governing body meetings. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in governing body decisions, but may be given a vote on decision made by committees to which they are appointed.

Associated members should be appointed because of the specific expertise and experience they can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. The definition of associate member is wide. Subject to the disqualifications set out in the Regulations, the governing body may appoint a pupil, school staff member, or any other person as an associate member so that they can contribute their specific expertise. This can help to address specific gaps identified in the skills of governing body members, and/or help the governing body respond to particular challenges that they may be facing.

Related pages

Our Vision

OFSTED Reports

School Policies